Generally speaking, there are four alignments: Light, Gray, Dark, and Neutral. There are Unclaimed souls as well, who are people from newly discovered worlds who haven’t attended religious school and don’t know their options. Every year or so, a new world gets discovered in the wild lands of the galaxy, and all the missionaries travel there. So, Unclaimed is an option, but only for a short period of time.

The Unattacheds are a small but special group of people. They live and work on Capitania, because they dedicate their lives to keeping Capitania as a place where all people can come together and discuss politics, make business deals, get diplomatic together, and mostly get in long and pointless arguments. Even the gods respect the Unattacheds, because the gods themselves picked Capitania as the place where they would have meetings. Us mortals just copied what the gods did.

The Unattacheds run the senate, and they have their own building too. Thewquin is the Unattached who currently chairs the senate — the most thankless job in the galaxy. Thewquin spends all their time making sure everyone gets to say their piece, that no fights break out, and that the grammar and punctuation in galactic law are precise. They’ve got lots of Unattacheds helping them, but it’s still a shit job.

Since the Unattacheds oversee galactic law, they have their own saireishi corps, who live and work in the Unattached HQ in Capitania. When there’s a crime that requires Unattached saireishi, they get called out. They don’t often leave Capitania, since they mostly read minds in service of the senate. The Unattached saireishi get twitchy when other saireishi come to Capitania, so Light, Gray, and Dark saireishi can only visit under limited circumstances.

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