Q: When do you know you’ve visited the hospital too many times?

A: When you recognize ER nurses and they recognize you back.

All of which means, I’m hoping the entire family can go a few months without needing to visit the hospital. The people are nice, but we’d rather avoid it.

Here is the updated version of A More Efficient Fantasy Book 3: Optimizing Swordplay. I loved the original cover, since he looks so wonderfully clueless holding that sword.

That’s why I’ve still got the original covers inside the new versions.

Here is the new version:

Optimizing Swordplay

Traditional fantasy worlds are shit. The technology is pathetic, the magic is too showy, the beer tastes like piss, and heroes can become amazing swordsmen in one montage.

Paka wants to be a swordsman so he can protect his sister, Yadis. That means he needs to convince either orcs or humans to teach him to fight. Since he’s not sure whether he’s an orc or a human, that gets complicated.

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Ebook: Buy Direct $2.99
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