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Republishing update: I’ve now got 6 of 7 from A More Efficient Fantasy (after which I can publish the last 3 books in the series). I haven’t yet republished Shadows of an Empire or Only the Inevitable, because I’m waiting for someone to help me rewrite the blurbs. (If history is anything to go by, I’ll be waiting a long time.)

Meredith Lindsey is a friend and a member of the Vincennes Writers group. In appreciation of her promoting my book, I’m promoting hers. It’s a great book, so you should check it out.

Find it on Amazon here.

Optimizing Moving

Traditional fantasy worlds are shit. The technology is pathetic, the magic is too showy, the beer tastes like piss, and you can journey the whole world over but you always go back to where you started.

Paka isn’t sure who he is, what he is, or where he belongs. He’d like to be an orc, but he doesn’t know what that means. He has a new family now, family he desperately wants to impress. He fears he might be too human for them.

Paperback at Amazon $9.99
Ebook: Buy Direct $2.99
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