Special Black Friday Sale! I have the Thousand Eye Universe omnibus on sale for 25% off! The sale is only valid if you buy direct: (go to link, then click Buy Here) https://buy.bookfunnel.com/2l3r49bi89 Sale ends Dec 1, so get it while you […]
Twitter / X / whatever-the-fuck-we’re-calling-it-now has sucked for years. And it’s not like anyone even noticed me there. As such, I am updating my social media presence (such as it is). I am still on Facebook at NERiggsAuthor though I rarely put anything there, […]
Do you love villains? I do. I often judge a story entirely on the quality of its villains. I like to think that I have some great villains in my stories. The more horrible and selfish they are, the more I love […]
I’ve had yet another trip to the ER and hospital this year. I think we’re up to 6 by now? My dad fractured his neck and will be in a brace for at least 2 months. He also drove with a fractured […]