So 2024 has been a busy year for me. Successful or productive, I don’t know, but definitely busy.

My mom’s been having lots of health issues, so I moved both my parents in with me to help out. Between the two of them, I’ve spent a lot of time in emergency rooms and hospitals. My mom is currently on hospice, so we’re taking it a day at a time.

As for me, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I threw out or gave away anything rainbow, because I cannot afford to lose my day job. I have also been pumped to the brim with happy pills. No amount of happy pills can fix all the shit that happened this past year, but I didn’t try to commit suicide, so I guess that’s success?

I re-published the first two books of Thousand Eye Universe and then books 3 and 4. I also re-published books 1 – 7 or A More Efficient Fantasy and then published book 8.

In my real job, I got promoted to full professor and had my tenure renewed.

Next week, I will talk about my various plans for 2025. I am left brained and OCD, so of course I have plans.

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