Diresi is the capital of the Gray. The world is more or less in the center of Gray territory, and I suppose it’s a pretty world. Once upon a time, it was a pretty world, and there are still some forests, beaches, mountain ranges, and of course oceans that aren’t coated in civilization. Like most major worlds, though, it’s basically one massive city, though said city is thickest around the five major temples and the command tower.

The Gray is not imaginative when it comes to city design. That’s because placating the gods is more important than cool architecture. By law, the five major temples are the tallest buildings on Diresi. The Gray temple is near the center, with the Life temple on the east side of town, Death opposite it on the west, then Order to the north, while Chaos is to the south. That arrangement is standard Gray practice — you don’t want the Life and Death people right next to each other, and ditto for the Order and Chaos people. They argue enough even when there’s a buffer between them.

Civilians can live pretty much wherever they want. I mean, they can’t live in military buildings or temples, but beyond that, wherever they like and can afford. Despite that, most Life worshipers live on the east side of town, Orderers live on the north side, and so on. It’s nice to be close to your temple and other people like you, I guess.

The command tower is near the center of town, close to the Fate temple. That’s where the Admirals work, and pretty much every member of the Gray military who’s stationed on Diresi. It’s barely shorter than the temples, and it sprawls over at least ten blocks. You’ve got to go through security to get inside — and if you’re a civilian who doesn’t have business inside the command tower, you won’t get inside. The Gray is paranoid, and I can’t blame them for it.

Gray generalists are allowed to live on Gray worlds, including Diresi. There aren’t as many on Diresi as on other Gray worlds, but you can still find plenty of them. Neutrals aren’t allowed to live on Diresi, but they can visit and do business there. Light paths and Dark paths are only allowed under specific circumstances, and they get escorted the entire time.

Diresi is one of the safest places in the galaxy, and you don’t even much have to worry about pickpockets. There’s a huge prison in the antarctic, but nobody else lives there, so it’s fine. The planet swarms with Gray military, so a person would have to be crazy to commit a crime there. There are a few incidents of corporate fraud and tax dodging, but nothing major. I wouldn’t want to live on Diresi, but I hate the Gray. I’m sure most people would love it there.

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