I’m collecting quotes from some of my books to use in advertising. I’m looking for quotes that say something about the plot or the characters. Or are just very snarky.
Here’s what I have so far.

From Gray Police:

The most important person in my life is a person I’ve never met. Madrigan Farovan has never heard of me. We’ve never exchanged words, never seen each other. He saved my life, even if he doesn’t know it.

Madrigan had never experienced silence. He wondered sometimes what it was like. Five years ago when he was newly free, he drank and took drugs, in an attempt to summon it. None of those things helped. They only made the world noisier.

In the end, the only choice was to learn to control his powers. There was still no silence, but Madrigan could at least muffle the thoughts that were always around him.

“Welcome back to reality, where we all miss drugs.”

“You’re a rogue for the poor. I can appreciate that. Want to put your talents to better use and really screw over the rich?”

From Center of the Universe:

David reached up and pinched his cheek, convinced he was either going mad or had drunk far more than he’d realized. He raised his cell phone and started dialing, sure the police wouldn’t get here before the woman was killed. Also, how the fuck did a person make a 911 call for an attack by mythical creatures?

“You saved my life too,” the woman said, smiling at him. Her hand briefly touched her stomach. “I knew you would, David.”

He blinked. “How do you know my name?”

Her smile turned soft. “I know everything about you, David Kemp. How could I not?” Then she shook her head. “We don’t have much time to talk. I am Cethon Jing, and I am here to find you. We have to get back to where I was when you first called out to me.”

“Are you fucking insane? There are monsters out there!” David waved at the door. As if on cue, it groaned under another assault. The entire door curved inward from the force of the blow. It held for now, but wouldn’t much longer. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, relieved he hadn’t dropped it, and started dialing.

“Bramira came to you for a reason. Cethon gave it to you because of who you are, not in spite of who you are. And you will be great. I’m sure of it.”

From Shadow of the Moon:

“Who are you?” Illera said. “What do you want?”

A soft, eerie chuckle rose from the group, a group that was now almost oz top of her. She backed up a few more steps. “We are here for you,” came a whisper. It was a multitude of voices, all speaking in harmony.

“For me?” she breathed. “Why?”

A louder chuckle this time. The middle figure stepped forward and the fire blazed in the background, highlighting his face. She couldn’t make out precise features, but his skin was blue. “Lianthe,” he hissed alone. “We are here for you, lianthe.”

She screamed and kept screaming as she sat up in bed, panting and hugging the blankets to herself. As her sight adjusted to the familiar darkness of home, she tried to slow her breathing. It had just been a dream. Nothing more.

But her dreams had a tendency to come true.

Do you have any quotes you like? I’d love to hear them!

A More Efficient Fantasy 10: Optimizing Peace is the last book in the series. It will be out March 18 and is available for pre-order now.

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