Parrei is a gift from the gods. It is the power of devotion. You have no control over how much parrei you get or what you can do with it — that is entirely at the discretion of the god or gods […]
I like numbers — not just number properties (although I definitely like those, hello number theory!) but the actual numbers. In particular, I’ve been into number systems recently. Number system means the symbols and values we use for numbers. We’ve got a […]
In the fourth book of the Thousand Eye Universe series, war has broken out between the Light and the Gray. It is a meaningless war, and it gets worse by the day. Vilstair would like nothing better than to stop the war, […]
Sairei is the power of the mind. Not having a good memory or even being smart, because there are plenty of saireishi who are complete morons who would forget their head if it wasn’t attached to their necks. No, sairei is the […]
Coming soon: In the fourth book of the Thousand Eye Universe series, war has broken out between the Light and the Gray. It is a meaningless war, and it gets worse by the day. Vilstair would like nothing better than to stop […]
Every alliance in the galaxy is decided by the gods — even the Neutral alliance, although they don’t like to think of themselves that way. The Gray is just the collection of the worshipers of Life, Order, Fate, Chaos, and Death. Similarly, […]
I already told you about how Gray law enforcement officers are just one part of the Gray military. I guess we can talk about some of the other parts. Warships look cool, don’t they? Some of them are so big that they […]
In the third book of the Thousand Eye Universe series, Vilstair seeks justice for Xixiao. As she seeks out those responsible for his death, she finds a terrible conspiracy, led by a ruthless man who uses and abuses everyone he can. There […]
You don’t need aliens to build a pyramid. You just need geometry (and a lot of men with nothing better to do). Modern conspiracy theorists love aliens. Those aliens are so busy, mostly making sure they don’t leave any actual evidence. When […]
In the third book of the Thousand Eye Universe series, Vilstair seeks justice for Xixiao. As she seeks out those responsible for his death, she finds a terrible conspiracy, led by a ruthless man who uses and abuses everyone he can. There […]