Every alliance in the galaxy is decided by the gods — even the Neutral alliance, although they don’t like to think of themselves that way. The Gray is just the collection of the worshipers of Life, Order, Fate, Chaos, and Death. Similarly, the Light is the worshipers of Creation, Purification, Bliss, and Love, while the Dark is the worshipers of Enmity, Misery, Corruption, and Destruction, though you could argue that last one.

The five Gray gods decided to make an alliance with each other near the beginning of time. It wasn’t an easy alliance. It started with just Fate, Order, and Chaos. All the gods decided to gang up against Destruction (since, you know, otherwise they wouldn’t have a reality to play around with) which is why the Destroyer is still sealed away. And that’s the only thing we should be thanking the gods for, if you ask me.

Anyway, the Light gods have always been the best of friends — and Life was originally counted among them, just as Death was originally Dark. The Light obviously hated the Destroyer. Since Fate wasn’t keen on the Destroyer either, he took Order and Chaos and joined forces with the Light. That wasn’t enough to defeat the Destroyer. That’s eight gods who still couldn’t beat the Destroyer even when they worked together.

Everything changed when Death betrayed the Destroyer. Don’t ask me why. Death worshipers have all sorts of explanations for it, and I don’t believe one of them. What matters is that is happened. Death left the Destroyer. He tried to turn Light, but the Light wouldn’t have him. So he had to put up with the Gray, since Fate was happy to take him.

The Dark gods are cowardly, self-involved narcissists. When they saw nine gods arrayed against them, they decided the honorable course was to save their own asses and also betray the Destroyer. That was how all twelve of the other gods fought against the Destroyer.

That, finally, was enough. The other gods defeated the Destroyer, sealed him away to save reality, and there was much rejoicing, hurrah.

Fate is inherently an asshole. (This explains pretty much everything, if you think about it.) He’s also Balance. With the Destroyer out of the picture, reality skewed Light. Fate was not cool with that. So he insisted that Life leave the Light and join the Gray. That still doesn’t balance things out, but I suppose it gets closer.

Anyway, the Light gods decided to also turn into horrible little monsters and agreed that Life should turn Gray. Even though Life didn’t want to and begged to stay in the Light. But the Light gods booted her out anyway and patted themselves on their backs for a job well done.

The Gray gods can never be in a perfect alliance, no matter how much Fate might wish it. Order and Chaos never get along — they’re not supposed to get along. Life and Death both wanted to be Light, and worst of all Life was forced to become Gray.

It’s a shitty little start for the Gray, and no wonder the Gray alliance has issues. Fate is still fighting to bring reality into Balance. He won’t succeed. Even though Creation does very little these days, reality is still tilted to the Light. Fate can try all he’d like, but he won’t succeed.

And I’ll sit back and watch gleefully as Fate fails.

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